
Geoffrey Dickie // August 15 // 0 Comments

I AM the Divine Intelligence acting in me.
I AM in touch with my higher mind.
I AM the perfect solution to every problem.
I AM learning to see every obstacle as a challenge to encourage my creativity.
I AM reaching for success.
I AM the abundance of every good and perfect gift of God manifesting in my life.
I AM establishing a greater understanding of success and God’s perfect grace in my life.
I AM at one with the creative power of the infinite moving within me.
I AM aware of those creative elements of success within myself.
I AM allowing success to flow through me and to transform my world into a palace of opulence and beauty.
I AM a magnet for the abundance of God flowing through me as a crystal river of light.
I AM blessed beyond my wildest dreams.
I AM constantly drawing success and riches into my life.
I AM surrounded by wonderful golden opportunities to be successful and happy.
I AM moving into the winning circle by taking advantage of all those wonderful opportunities that God has afforded me.
I AM totally open to this wonderful new life that offers me complete fulfilment and happiness.
I AM creatively using all my talents and abilities to manifest happiness, opulence and prosperity in my life.
I AM the consciousness of success permeating every aspect of my being and world.
I AM going from success to success as a series of stepping stones leading to the ultimate victory of my ascension in the light.

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