Be Still and know that I AM God

Geoffrey Dickie // July 8 // 0 Comments

Be still and know that I AM God.

I AM the conscious awareness of Unity with my Source.

I AM treasuring my divinity, my divine Self.

I AM conscious of my divinity, my inner Source of Power, Wisdom and Love.

I AM turning everything over to God because I know that I AM always connected to God; I AM never separate from him because there is no place that God is not.

I AM the realisation that there is a force to which I AM always connected, a force that is everywhere at once and there is no place that it is not.

That force that is always available to me.

I AM aware that this force, this connectedness exists.

This  force that acts everywhere, is not limited by our thoughts about it.

The I AM Presence is truly everywhere at once, and this mighty OM – OMniscent, OMnipresent, OMnipotent – is in me now.

I AM always connected to that omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent  Source.

I AM able to release this infinite Source of Power into the world of form because I AM consciously aware of my connection to that Source.

I AM open to the idea that there is a force greater than my limited ego, trapped in the pain of its separateness, a force to which I AM always connected, a force that is always available to me.

I AM aware now that this force exists, the force that beats my heart and sustains all life is the ultimate power in the Universe and it is in me now!

This force is in me and in the things that I desire, even when my limited ego consciousness feels separate from them, and the force that connects me to them is our oneness in Love.

There is a power in the universe that is a intimate part of me, and because God is everywhere and in everything, that power is also in whatever I desire.

I AM already connected to that which I would like to attract into my life.

That which I want also wants me for we are connected by the bonds of Love.

I AM surrendering all sense of separation because I AM aware that I AM connected to all things in God.

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