I AM a child in the heart of El Morya

Geoffrey Dickie // June 8 // 0 Comments

I AM the creative fire of the dynamic will of God exalting my soul to a more fervent devotion to the Will of God and the diamond heart of Morya.
I AM surrendering all that is not of the light into the sacred fire of the violet transmuting flame for requalification to the perfect Will of God for my soul, for the perfect outpicturing of my divine plan, for the resurrection and the life of my cosmic honour flame and for the Victory of Saint Germain’s freedom flame in the earth.
I AM choosing to let go of all my limiting beliefs and patterns, to expand my creativity, to fulfill my dreams and desires and to express the uniqueness of my soul in its quest for prosperity, growth and success.
I AM the Power, Wisdom and Love of God acting to bring God’s Happiness, God’s Wholeness, God’s Harmony, God’s Peace, God’s Abundance, God’s Freedom and God’s Victory into manifestation in my life now and forever!
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence sustain, direct and protect me at all times until I AM manifesting all of Thy Perfection and nought of the human.

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