I AM fortunate to be able to create the life that I want, to be aware of the perfection of life and to invoke the Victorious Violet flame of Cosmic Freedom for the blessing of all life.
I AM grateful for every spark of insight inspiring me to greater strength, wisdom and compassion, opening my heart and mind to the joy of life, to the creative energy that brings new awareness and fresh ideas.
I AM willing to persevere on this path of love that will compel all free, free to give their full appreciation for the miraculous gift of life from our Father-Mother God.
I AM releasing all old habits of cynicism and pessimism into the flame so that I may listen to my heart, discover new solutions to the problems of my life and then go forward to make a difference in this world by expanding the love of my heart to all whom I meet.
I AM choosing to be flexible and open to change as a positive, creative force in my life.
I AM joyfully accepting all those wonderful opportunities that come as challenging situations testing my honesty and integrity every day in order to pursue a path of self-transcendence.
I AM aware that my life is a reflection of my choices so I AM choosing a path of love, light and life that will expand my consciousness, being and world.
I AM creating a future of success by happily working towards my goals, spending my time and mental energy on positively pursuing the highest meaning and goal of my life.
I AM charged with the unstoppable, victorious, miraculous energy of life, flooding my body, mind and soul with the Light of God that never fails to bring about greater abundance and happiness in my life.
I AM the Solution to every Problem in my Life
Geoffrey Dickie // May 27 // 0 Comments