I AM the Victory of the living flame of Cosmic Freedom, the violet transmuting flame, transforming my entire consciousness, being and world into the light of the new day, new ideas and new beginnings.
I AM rejoicing in the opportunity to receive the transforming power of the Holy Spirit from the heart of the Maha Chohan for the rebirth of my soul, for its initiation into the perfect path of Peace, Truth, Justice, Mercy, Forgiveness and Freedom.
I AM seeking the purification of my four lower bodies, of my chakras and my entire consciousness, being and world, so that in the purity of body, mind and soul, I might claim the Victory of the new day that is my opportunity to overcome all momentums of negativity and pessimism and replace them with the glorious principles of Strength and Truth, Freedom and Abundance, Joy and Victory.
I AM claiming the Victory of the New Day
Geoffrey Dickie // May 26 // 0 Comments