Almighty I AM Presence, release the infinite bounty of health, wealth, prosperity and wisdom into my hands and use today.
Almighty I AM Presence, grant me the Victory of transcendent opulence in my hands and use today.
Almighty I AM Presence, inspire me with the creative power of the Spirit, the Infinite Intelligence of the Mind of God.
Almighty I AM Presence, help me draw forth the riches I need from the great Treasure House of God’s Infinite Supply.
Almighty I AM Presence, bless me with the wisdom to use these riches for the Victory of all mankind.
Almighty I AM Presence, blaze forth the precipitated sunlight from the heart of God in the Great Central Sun throughout every constructive individual and activity on Earth, including my own being and world.
Almighty I AM Presence, manifest the abundant supply of all the wisdom, light, determination and love we will ever need to fulfil the plan of God and to raise all mankind into the glorious liberty of Saint Germain’s great Golden Age which I AM expanding right now and forever through this call which I ask to adjusted according to the Holy Will of God.
I AM calling for Abundance
Geoffrey Dickie // June 15 // 0 Comments