I AM the Wind

Geoffrey Dickie // July 25 // 0 Comments

I AM the light of diamond hue
I AM sparkling through and through.
I AM the whirling sacred fire
I AM manifesting God’s desire.
Dazzling brilliance, incandescent light,
I AM the fullness of Victory’s might,
Descending to the Christ in all,
Ten thousand Buddhas hear my call;
Marpa, Naropa, Tilopa too,
Gurus making all things new,
Standing in the light of truth,
Offering to all the cup of youth.
Love is the victory for which we strive,
Forgiveness is the essence all may derive.
Crystal Buddhas, needle rays descend
Spiralling into the souls of men.
I AM the wind Milarepa has aroused,
Bearing the light of truth all may espouse;
I AM the victory for which I call,
I AM the Buddha standing tall.
Vairochana in the centre of a spiral
Absorbing, transforming all denial.
I AM the vision of truth transcendent,
I AM the victory of life resplendent.
I have elected to be the One
In the centre of the Sun.
I AM the Buddha of diamond hue,
I AM the Buddha watching over you.
I AM the Buddha where I AM.

Note : I  AM the Wind was inspired by Milarepa.

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